I have found it very difficult to complete these purses but once I've done them I can not stop looking at them. I find them beautiful. I enjoyed so much painting the fabric and thinking of new ideas for new purses. Look at the result.
El rojo está pintado con bolígrafo resistente al agua y tinta blanca acrílica.
The red is painted with water resistant black pen and acrylic white ink.
El estampado de hojas está pintado con bolígrafo resistente al agua y acuarela. Ambos monederos están forrados con tela de algodón estampada con puntitos. Una monada.
The leaf pattern one is painted with waterproof pen and watercolors. Both purses are lined with cotton fabric printed with dots. Veeery cute.
También me sobró algo de tela pintada y he hecho unos detalles para regalar con los monederos.
I also painted some fabric left over and I've done a few details to make as a gift with the purse.
Estoy deseando hacer nuevos modelos, a ver qué tal salen.
I'm really looking forward developing new models .. let's see how it goes.
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