Abro el blog estando de vacaciones. He estado dos semanas desconectada de trabajo y me ha dado tiempo a ver que necesito hacer cosas y compartirlas con los demás. Por fin he podido mirar en detalle que se mueve por el mundo del tejido, la costura, el reciclaje de materiales, etc ... y he visto que hay muchas cosas nuevas y cosas de siempre. Veo una comunidad de almas creativas con mucho gusto. Veo mucho blog con grandes ideas y madres que realizan muchas actividades interesantes. Me uno al club y veré que tal se me da.
Ayer anduvimos por la playa recogiendo piedras para decorar con los niños cuando volvamos de la playa. Pesan un montón pero merecerá la pena. He estado mirando algunas ideas y creo que nos pueden quedar preciosas.
Tengo más ideas en la cabeza, ese es el problema del tiempo libre, mi cabeza empieza a funcionar pensando en cosas nuevas.
Mas cosas en breve. Felices vacaciones.
I open this blog while having my holidays. I've been 2 weeks completed disconnected from work and I've had time to think about my need of doing more things in my live and sharing them with rest of people. I've been surfing through the webs about weaving and sewing, recycling materials webs, etc .. and I've seen there is a lot of new and old stuff out there. I've seen and large comunity of creative souls. I've seen many blogs with very nice and lovely ideas, a high number of mammies who are dedicating a lot of time to very interesting activities. I join this club and I see how it goes.
We went for a walk through the beach yesterday and we picked some rolling stones. We will decorate them with the kids when we come back home. They are very heavy but it will worth it. I've been checking some ideas through the webs and I think they will look great.
I have much more ideas on my head, this is my issue with spare time, my head starts working fast thinking in new things.
More things to come soon. Happy vacation!!!
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